"Leap and the net will appear," a quote often attributed to naturalist John Burroughs, is among my favorites. If you've been considering big, bold changes, the time is now. Your wings are ready!
By Cynthia Gomez
If things have been difficult, know that you're not alone. And, the universe loves balance; the pendulum’s backswing can only last so long. Mercury will stay in retrograde until June 3rd, making this a good time to define and refine your vision for yourself. And then, let's GET IT, light tribe! Jupiter in Aries is here, bringing go-big-or-go-home energy like never before. Aries energy, which is all about courage, drive, and optimism, will be with us for the next full year, supporting self-actualization and big, bold changes. Let's forge ahead, rainbow warriors!
One step in front of the other. We are the ones we've been waiting for, friends. I invite you to make some magic in your life and the world. It's time to overgrow unsustainable systems, programming, and ways of living — at every level. As within, so without. What you can imagine for yourself, you can do.
Gratitude as Manifesting Fuel
Today, I'm in the "forgiveness" day of a week-long guided silence retreat called The Path of Silence that I co-host with the amazing Helen Blaaker of the The Easy Yogi in Naples, Fla. We have several more joint retreats lined up for this year, including a camping event we're calling The Lotus Gathering, which will combine spiritual and wellness workshops, sound healing, mindful movement, and nighttime musical entertainment on 10 beautiful, waterfront acres in Florida this December (check The Gaia Revolution in a few weeks for deets, and hit me up if you're interested in facilitating or entertaining!).
I just received a manuscript for an inner-child recovery book I'll be serving as development editor on, and have manuscripts on Reiki, manifesting, astrology, and shadow work coming my way for future developmental editing this Spring. I've got one book up on Amazon, "Rise: A Call to the Light Tribe," and a much more in-depth personal transformation book and an accompanying course I’m authoring in the works.
I provide content strategy and copywriting for clients and organizations doing big, world-changing things (e.g., publishing books on self and social transformation, bringing STEM education to minority kids in educationally underserved areas, teaching impoverished adults in third-world countries coding so they can get tech jobs and lift themselves and their families out of poverty, using business profits to transform entire communities in Africa, etc.). Just today, I was asked to take over social media for an organization that understands that mass incarceration destroys lives, and advocates on behalf of those who have been negatively impacted by our criminal “justice” system.
Two of my big clients are absolute role models — one's business provides design and content consulting to equity-focused organizations and other's public relations company seems to almost exclusively attract client-companies that make the world better. The latter just released a TEDx Talk on seeing past separation to live in unity. And my 9–5? The frustrations of leading a digital writing team in an often-challenging environment are balanced by some of the amazing people I get to work with on a daily basis. You know who you are.
I am surrounded and supported by an amazing group of friends, partners, clients, and colleagues I respect and admire, and together we build up one another personally and professionally. Sometimes the amount of gratitude for the life that is manifesting around me is overwhelming. But let me be clear: the path is not often easy. Sometimes it's excruciatingly difficult. This is not a bragging post. This is a post in recognition that when we step up, do the tough inner work, live with positive intention, and stay focused on our callings, magic REALLY does happens.
Meet the Universe Halfway
Gratitude magnetizes more of what we want to see in our lives to us. Meet the universe halfway with gratitude for what you have, what you are, and who you are becoming, and I promise you, the road does rise to meet you. The right people, resources, and opportunities will show up. It's up to you what you do with them.
Some days, I barely have time to breathe. My time is limited and the balancing act often feels like Olympic-level juggling. Yet, the challenges are also opportunities, and the work is also play. I may not surface often in social circles these days, but know that I am cheering for you, loving you, and available for additional mutually beneficial partnerships and opportunities that nourish the New Earth we are co-creating.
May we all reflect that which we want to see in our lives, in others, and in the world outwards, and be willing to polish our foggy mirrors through deep inner work until what we see reflected back to us is clear and overwhelming beauty. Thank you for your part in my growth. I am here to support yours.