Our a la carte services are offered by hand-selected services providers, who will make themselves available for one-on-one work for a window of time each day during the retreat. A sign-up sheet with these individuals' offerings and pricing structure will be made available to attendees via email in the weeks before the retreat, as well as on-site.

Self-Mastery Education for a Kinder World
A 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Nonprofit Organization
Host facilitators are here to take your hand throughout the weekend, ensuring that you have a transformative and enjoyable experience, and guiding you to access the wisdom and healer within you.

Cynthia Gomez
A lifelong student of soul science — the intersection of spirituality with every branch of knowledge — Cynthia Gomez blends spirituality, philosophy, and the sciences to help facilitate quantum healing and conscious living. She is trained in Reiki and other intersectional energy work modalities, and is a certified master life coach. She is also a writer and entrepreneur. She owns The Gaia Revolution, as well as Light Rising Publishing and StoryTime Me, which offer unique publishing solutions to produce content that facilitates empowered personal storytelling, meaning-making, and wisdom sharing to ultimately expand consciousness and connectedness, and inspire kinder living.
Helen Blaaker
Helen Blaaker has studied, practiced, and taught Raja Yoga Meditation, a form of meditation mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita for gaining understanding of and control over self, for more than 15 years. Helen's professional practice, The Easy Yogi, offers consultations in Ayurveda, an ancient system of preventative health, meditation instruction, and practical spirituality. While working in the financial industry, Helen maintains a dedicated meditation practice, blogs and podcasts about spirituality, and helps people find ways to integrate mindfulness into their daily lives. Most recently, she worked with facilitators abroad to bring a unique and powerful silent retreat curriculum to the United States.
Kristin Barber
Kristin Barber started practicing yoga in 2007 after a recommendation from a chiropractor to address chronic neck and spine pain. Once hooked on the physical, with no intention to teach, she started to take training to improve her own practice, alignment, and, more importantly, philosophy. Yet it was her dharma to continue to pass the knowledge that was given to her, and recently, Kristin has been exploring sound healing, hosting crystal bowl healing ceremonies and crystal bowl yoga workshops. She and her partner, who is a percussionist, are finding joy in bringing movement and sound to the community to vibrate higher together!