Our a la carte services are offered by hand-selected services providers, who will make themselves available for one-on-one work for a window of time each day during the retreat. A sign-up sheet with these individuals' offerings and pricing structure will be made available to attendees via email in the weeks before the retreat, as well as on-site.

Self-Mastery Education for a Kinder World
A 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Nonprofit Organization
Schedule is subject to minor changes. Any changes made to schedule prior to retreat will be reflected here in real-time.
12:00–4:00 pm
4:00–5:00 pm
Introductions & Intention Setting
A time for sisters to get to know each other and their intent for the weekend; and for facilitators to provide logistical information, such as on scheduled offerings, a la carte services, and how to make the most of the weekend by being present, listening to our bodies, and choosing between programming and alone time for meditation, being in nature, journaling, etc.
5:00–6:00 pm
Holding Space 101: A Skill for Sisterhood Building
What does it mean to hold space? How do we hold space effectively for both ourselves and others, and what is the impact of doing that? This is foundational information on how to be present for yourself and others as we come together to heal and grow.
6:30–7:30 pm
8:00–9:00 pm
Crystal Bowl Sound Bath
End your first afternoon with a beautiful crystal bowl sound healing bath meant to bring you into a state of meditative bliss and recalibrate the cells in. your body, tuning in wellness.
7:30–9:30 am
Breakfast & Reflection Time
Fuel up for the day ahead with a healthy and detoxifying breakfast, and take some time to journal.
10:00–11:00 am
Meet the day with a gentle, meditative yoga movement.
11:15 am–12:15 pm
Meditation the Easy Yogi Way
Find your center with ease, regardless of the external chaos. Join us for a chat on the myriad benefits of making meditation a regular part of your life, from a sense of calm bliss and clarity to improved physical health, and learn practical tips and strategies for making meditation easy.
12:30–1:30 pm
2:00 pm–4:00 pm
The Activism of Radical Self-Love
Many of us have been programmed to put our loved ones before ourselves, to feel guilty when we take time for ourselves, and even to associate healthy love for self with narcissism. In this interactive circle, we discuss what it really means to love ourselves, and why — now more than ever — we absolutely must cultivate a sense of self-reverence. We’ll provide concrete strategies for facing the shadows, celebrating the light, and reaching new states of wholeness, because only when we change ourselves do we begin to change the world.
4:30 pm–6:00 pm
Balance & the Wheel of Life
Understanding how the different parts of our lives contribute to our balance or imbalance requires taking stock. In this interactive session, participants will learn how to creatively evaluate where they may be taking on too much or too little, or putting too much or too little focus, and how that impacts the rest of their lives, to create a more balanced experience for themselves.
6:30–7:30 pm
8:00–9:00 pm
Music by Este Loves
Este Loves is a soulful singer-songwriter who enjoys spreading love through her singing and guitar playing. She performs her original, high-vibration music, alongside some covers, which are transformed by her own unique style. Este’s music brings awareness and hope. Watch a clip!
7:30–9:30 am
Breakfast & Reflection Time
Fuel up for the day ahead with a healthy and detoxifying breakfast, and take some time to journal.
10:00–11:00 am
Meet the day with a gentle, meditative yoga movement.
11:15 am–12:15 pm
Anchoring Gratitude
Learn how gratitude literally rewires us, creating not just a more positive way of experiencing the world, but also setting you up to receive more of the things for which we express gratitude. This is a workshop about the power of perception to help gain from every experience through reframing. We'll end with a neurolinguistic programming visualization exercise designed to help us tap into feelings of deep, joyous gratitude on command.
12:30–1:30 pm
2:00–3:30 pm
Ayurveda 101: The Nature of Your Nature
While it is true that our inner state is paramount in shaping our experience in this physical world, understanding ourselves requires exploring our interrelationship with the five elements. We affect them, and they in turn affect us. How do the five elements impact our physical, mental, and emotional make-up? And what practices, from diet to physical care, can we use to heal our relationship with the five elements to reach new levels of physical wellness and spiritual wholeness? Ayurveda, which translates into "the science of life," offers us wisdom for living in balance with our unique, elemental constitutions.
4:00–5:30 pm
Birthing the Phoenix: A Talk on Resilience
Pain finds us all, one way or another. It's what we do with it that matters. This workshop explores how we can shed victim mentality and embrace ferocity to transform pain from whatever has broken us into comeback fuel. We are never undone if we are constantly remaking ourselves from our own ashes. We'll explore what makes some people more resilient than others, and what we can learn from those who seem to have a knack for bouncing back.
6:00–7:00 pm
7:30–9:00 pm
Cacao Ceremony & Forgiveness by the Fire
Self-care isn’t just about treating ourselves well, but also about doing the hard work of being present with challenging feelings so that we move past them to align with the highest version of ourselves. We'll start this workshop with an introduction to cacao plant medicine and a heart-opening cacao ceremony to facilitate the transformation about to occur. We'll then talk about the power of forgiveness and use an impactful guided meditation for freeing ourselves from anger, shame, and resentment towards ourselves and others, allowing ourselves the gift of feeling lighter and freer than ever. Finally, we'll release both intentions and that which no longer serves us into the universe by way of air and fire. Take time to write what you’d like to release on our flame-shaped effigy, as well as your intentions for your life, and watch them be carried up in smoke during this very special burn.
7:30–9:30 am
Breakfast & Reflection Time
Fuel up for the day ahead with a healthy and detoxifying breakfast, and take some time to journal.
10:00–11:00 am
Meet the day with a gentle, meditative yoga movement.
11:15 am–12:15 pm
Vision Boarding a Better Expression of Our Souls
A vision board is a collage of images and affirmations designed to serve as inspiration and motivation for manifesting the life of your dreams. We'll springboard off the personal "wheel" or life mandalas created during Friday's balance workshop to create a beautiful vision of a more balanced, fulfilling life. Participants will leave with a beautiful future-self-portrait they can take home to frame or pin up at home as a daily reminder of who they are becoming.
12:30–1:30 pm
2:00–3:30 pm
Intersectional Energy Work 101: Quantum Healing for Ourselves & the World
This is an introduction to energy work. It includes a description of the body's chakra system as one of many frameworks for understanding our inner energetic workings, as well as a foray into quantum science to explore how the scientific community is finally catching up to ancient spiritual teachings about how our world works. We'll discuss some easy-to-learn energy healing disciplines and why they work, and leave you with some simple yet powerful strategies for working with energy to facilitate self-healing and for sending healing where it's needed.
4:00–5:30 pm
A Chat on Integration
What does it mean to integrate the learning, tools, and quantum leaps achieved during this time together? How can we make this weekend more than a fleeting experience, but rather a permanent leveling up to the next step of our personal evolution? We'll discuss the difference between cerebral learning and soul learning, and how to ensure this experience carries you better through your everyday life.
6:00–7:00 pm
7:30–8:30 pm
Gong Wash by Infinite Harmonies
Sound Alchemist Jess Naomi "Nebula" of Infinite Harmonies creates a portal to relaxation and connection to our higher selves during a meditative gong wash. This journey inward isn't just about relaxation; gong washes have been used since ancient times to remove emotional blockages and open the channels to deeper spiritual connection.
7:30–9:30 am
Breakfast & Reflection Time
Fuel up for the day ahead with a healthy and detoxifying breakfast, and take some time to journal. This is also a chance to say farewell and exchange contact information with your new friends.